Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Welcoming 2015

New Years Eve.....

I have celebrated this day in many ways and each one uniquely different from the last. Always spent with loved ones and full of setting intentions. Some years were spent dancing the night away, some quietly in the living room of my childhood home throwing hand made confetti over my best friend. There are many I remember....and also many long forgotten.

I don't consider myself very traditional with holidays and rituals but I really love to learn about them....and I respect the inherent purpose behind them. I've been known to create my own holidays or re-create how I choose to celebrate or honor their purpose.

I feel its not only fun, but also important to learn why we celebrate....what we are honoring....and what we are giving and receiving. As I have grown to understand myself more and expanded through many experiences, I have enjoyed creating everything to be more in alignment with who I am, where I am at, and what my priorities are in each present moment.

So.....with is a little excerpt from this unique New Year's Eve.

Painting Again.....infusing the canvas with intention and setting it ablaze with paints....
"The Beginning...."

Deciding to create more ritual in my life....I began the day with lighting a candle to light my way into a bright new year.

Spending a quiet and early morning appreciating all the gifts I share....with my sweet Zephyr by my side.

Feeling incredibly grateful for finding the key within my heart that opened me up to a life spent with others who are choosing to live deliberately, creating a connection between head and heart, quieting the mind, accessing a space of stillness, acting on intentions, "bringing it on", bridging unknowns, integrating desires and resistances, learning to trust myself, loving others with compassion, knowing when to start.....and when to stop, and being ok with the constant work of moving forward through more and more stretches in consciousness. Why look for an end when it's all just beginning? I am one happy Avatar Wizard.

 Letting my creative juices flow through me.....allowing myself to be successful in all I do....and letting my spirit truly shine.

 Sharing an amazing breakfast brunch with my wizard roommie, feeling grateful for living in Florida....eating beautiful local greens and organic local eggs in the middle of
 After a lovely Jamaican curry chicken dinner (wish I had a picture).. and a reminder of how much one can appreciate and be appreciated.....I made it to a bonfire with a small group of many different peeps. Some I knew, some I met.... I set flames to an old journal that had entries written from just days (and even the day right before) I fell out of the tree house in 2011. It was time in my heart to let go of this chapter of  my life. I was overwhelmed then....a mess about how to move forward in my life. One intention I had written did create...and that was to exercise my spiritual muscles. I asked loud and clear...I cried out in my journal for something new. I was ready. Never would I have imagined that my life could change so drastically and so quickly...but it has. There are many gifts. And learning I can be loved again and love myself is definitely one of them. So cheers to moving forward, to letting go, and stepping further into a life you prefer and deliberately wish to create.

 To sharing in the greatest gift one can give.....and contributing to the co-creation of an Enlightened Planetary Civilization.....I am truly blessed.

May we all continue down a path that is unique and true to what we feel love for.  Follow your heart and let your mind help you discern.....we can create better....

I won't give up on practicing this beautiful path of compassion and alignment with the bigger picture. I am so thankful to my teachers out there who remind me of who I am, for the ones who push my buttons and make me feel the things I've "thrown under the rug"..... and for the ones I am yet to meet.

Let's do it.....together.

We can.


I love.

Thank you ~ Laurie