Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Create Yourself

Today I began an 8 week course called "Create Yourself" from the lovely Laura Hollick (my new hero)....the intent of the program is to create a union between the inner and outer worlds. First thing was her definition of the soul's purpose: to be the full embodied expression of your spirit on earth. very simple. We then went through some "soul art" exercises to find our inner essence, life's challenge, and our Iconic Trait. This process was so insightful for me and although it may sound simple or woo wooooooo....I'm all over it and very excited to have new clarity in my self from just one class. Laura is a leader in showing others how to live authentic, abundant lives...and is one of many who are advocates for the new paradigm of life on earth. I feel we are moving into a time where we have to express our soul purpose more than ever...rather than attaching to our job label or marital status...we need to show up to what we are really here to do. I loved being able to get to the foundation of my energy today....and to step into a new and powerful piece of my self. Through this course I'll be going deep into my creative expression and connecting that to my outer world...shifting my passion into my life's work and creating abundance from that. whoo hooo ~ excitement~

This is what I learned about myself today....

My inner essence: creative, radiant, joyful, universal love ~ symbolized by a spiral-sun like design
My life challenge: fear of expressing my truth, feelings, knowledge... ~ symbolized by a jagged zig-zaggy line in a box
My ability to move through my life's challenge with my inner essence: TRUSTing my self and my truth
My Iconic Trait: An advocate of creative self-expression

Really, in the last few months I have become much more open in expressing the things I am so passionate about...starting with this blog. THe 21 day challenge of yoga, meditation and blogging brought my inner world to the outer...I had to balance my (inner) search with (outer) sharing. I've also been more confident in myself as I sing my songs, write little poems, or lead music together classes with the little ones. This creative journey is also fulfilling the art therapy I was craving...I'm sure all the boxes of feathers, markers, and paints will be returning to my life soon.

My intention for this course....
I trust in my creative self and I am fully expressing my truth

Namaste and blessings everyone. Love love love love love

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